Sandhurst Soccer Club’s (SSC) tryouts and kickarounds are currently scheduled to be held on Saturday, June 20 and Saturday, June 27 from 9 am to 3:30 pm at the SSC fields located at 5400 Meramec Bottom Rd, St. Louis, MO 63128.
The MYSA COVID-19 Return to Play Guidelines and Recommendations is subject to the Phase 1 of the Missouri Show-Me Strong Recovery Plan effective May 16, 2020. This limits what we can do at tryouts unless the guidelines are significantly changed by our tryout dates. Consequently, our tryouts will not be set up in the format in which it was done in the past. Instead, depending on age, we will ask players to tryout individually or in small groups. Our current players who are returning to the Club will not need to attend tryouts this year. This will significantly reduce the number of players that would congregate in a small area and complies with the social distancing requirement of the Return to Play Guidelines. |
To better comply with MYSA and State guidelines, we will set up an appointment time for each player to attend our tryouts. To facilitate our being able to do this, if you wish to tryout with SSC, you must fill out our membership application form. Upon receipt of the completed form, we will use your contact information to advise you of your tryout time. The length of the tryout time will also be significantly reduced because of the more individual or small group focus, and will likely last 30 to 45 minutes.
We expect to start having our full teams begin to train for the 2020 Fall season in mid-July when we expect Return to Play Guidelines to approach normalcy levels. Thanks for your patience and understanding during these strange times. We look forward to meeting you at our tryouts. The general times for the various age groups/birth years for both tryout dates are listed in the tables below. |
If your child is not a current SSC member and will be attending our scheduled kickarounds or tryouts, please take a couple minutes to fill out our membership application form, by clicking on the form link, below.
Kickarounds are for U-5 to U-8 teams or children born between 2016 and 2013. We will be forming new teams for these age groups for both boys and girls. If warranted, we may also form coed teams. All players at these age levels, except for exceptional circumstances, who attend and wish to join SSC will be accepted without competitive evaluation of their skills compared to their peers’. However, an assessment will be made of each player’s individual skill level and ability so our coaches are aware of the appropriate level of soccer instructions to provide each player when the season begins.
Tryouts are for U-9 and older teams. We will be forming new teams for the U-11 and U-13 to U-17 age groups for boys and the U-11 to U-13 age groups for girls. Players will be evaluated relative to their peers and placed on the appropriate club team based on their skill and fitness levels. In some cases, players with higher skill levels may be offered the opportunity to play up in age or division.